Mrs C Cohen
Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Southwark
Term of office - 4 years from 04.04.2023
Serves on the Curriculum & Standards Committee
Special responsibility for R.E
Mr T Doherty
Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Southwark
Term of office - 4 years from 23.07.2023
Serves on the Resources Committee, the Curriculum & Standards Committee, the Admissions Committee and the PPC Committee
Special responsibility for Science
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs C Chan
Parent Governor elected by the parent body
Term of office - 4 years from 22.03.2023
Serves on the Resources Committee and the Curriculum & Standards Committee
Special responsibility for Computing
Mrs T. Lajumoke
Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Southwark
Term of office- 4 years from 06.12.2023
Serves on the Resources Committee
Special responsibility for Maths
Mr R Migliorini Tenório
Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Southwark
Term of office -
Serves on the Resources Committee and the PPC Committee
Miss D. Vella
Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Southwark
Term of office- 4 years from 13.07.22
Serves on the Curriculum & Standards Committee
Special Responsibility for DT and PE
Mrs J Ghosh
Parent Governor elected by the parent body
Term of office - 4 years from 22.03.2023
Chair of the Resources Committee
Special responsibility for Maths
Mrs D Tiri
Staff Governor elected by the staff
Term of office - 4 years from 31.08.2021
Serves on the Curriculum & Standards Committee
Special responsibility for SEND
Mrs J Howard
Local Authority Governor appointed by the Governing Body on the recommendation of the London Borough of Merton
Term of office - 4 years from 05.05.2020
Serves on the PPC Committee and Interim Chair of the Admissions Committee
Special responsibility for Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs A Frye
Term of office - 4 years from 15.11.2023
Serves on the Resources and Curriculum & Standards Committee
Special responsibility for Art and Music, Humanities
Mr V. Bolt
Term of office - 4 years from 15.11.2023
Mrs T. Goveas
Term of office- 4 years from 04.03.2019
Chair of the Curriculum & Standards Committee
Special responsibility for Early Years, Pupil Premium, Educational Visits
Mr D. McCabe
Head Teacher (Safeguarding, Curriculum and Standards)
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