
If your child is unwell, please call the school office 020 8542 4580 and select option 1 or email absence@st-marys.merton.sch.uk to inform the school.


When your child returns to school, please provide a letter or email explaining the absence. If your child has vomited or has diarrhoea they may not return to school until 48 hours after their last episode.

Any absence for 5 days or more requires a written note or email and medical evidence such as a note from the doctor, appointment slip/card or prescription to authorise the absence.




If your child has a medical appointment unavoidably during school time, please inform the school office. If you have a letter or email regarding any planned appointments, please provide a copy for our records.



Absences for holidays during term time are not authorised. There are exceptional circumstances (e.g. weddings, funerals) where an absence may be authorised at the discretion of the Head Teacher. Please complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ form and return it to the school office.

Please speak to  Mr McCabe for more information on whether or not an absence will be authorised, or to Mrs Smith (Administration and Attendance Office ) if you would like any further guidance.

Attendance is checked on a regular basis by the Educational Welfare Officer. They may contact families if there are concerns regarding poor attendance.

Leave of Absence Form 2024-25.doc .doc